OPs: Story (E)

Rarely, but sometimes, the First SCOPE Division organizes a larger airsoft game.

For nearly two decades, we have been following the same storyline.




The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or real persons/organizations is purely coincidental.

Background OP: Woodnight

In 2006, factions of various combatant groups took position in the mountains of Goldavia, north of the settlement of Woodnight, and installed stationary missile batteries. With these missiles, the guerrilla unit called UPF (United Peace Force) threatened various military installations and became a danger to the oil-rich country of Goldavia. The UPF did not negotiate the launch of the missiles, as their goal was to weaken and incapacitate the national army (Goldavian National Army – GNA) of the ruling government. The UN intervened, and a newly assembled unit called UNSF (United Nations Special Forces) infiltrated the area to obtain a key necessary to deactivate the countdown for the missile launch. If this goal had been achieved, the entire UPF presence would have been eliminated, and the area secured.

What happened during OP: Woodnight

However, this mission, under the codename OP: Woodnight, ended in disaster. The missiles fired by the UPF destroyed several military targets in the surrounding facilities. As a result, the national army lost its key initiatives to eliminate the insurgents.

Background OP: Dash Hammer

From then on, the commanders of the allied forces from the Western UN countries, to which the UNSF is subordinate, took command of all military activities in the country. Since the rugged mountainous regions were very difficult to access by land, the commanders decided to destroy the UPF from the air. A carpet of bombs was laid over the mountainous areas of the UPF. Infantry units were used only rarely, and the airstrikes were at first glance successful. The UPF was cornered to the point where it could hardly launch further attacks on their enemy.

After some time, the UPF managed to establish a functioning air defense. Flying missions became increasingly risky.

The situation evolved, and the commanders of the allied forces agreed that a sustainable solution to the “UPF” problem had to be found and that control over the mountainous region needed to be regained. They devised OP: Dash Hammer.

What happened during OP: Dash Hammer

After the main attack by the UNSF against the advancing troops and FLAB positions of the UPF, conducted under the name OP: Dash Hammer, which resulted in heavy losses on both sides, the weakened spearhead of the allied forces urgently needed to reorganize. Open combat without air support proved to be extremely tough. Nevertheless, the established FLAB positions were destroyed, and thus the advance of the UPF was halted. However, the extensive and difficult terrain again provided refuge for the guerrillas, who managed to kidnap a pilot and secure and evacuate chemical weapons. Additionally, General Bolsov of the UPF, involved in the fighting, managed to evade capture.

The resource-consuming battles pushed for a renewed reconsideration. Reconnaissance attempts were initiated, and small independently operating teams were sent behind enemy lines to locate the pilot and track down General Bolsov.

Timeline of UAV Movie Part I & II


UAV Movie Part I


UAV Movie Part II

Background OP: Lightcraft

The conflict in Goldavia remains unchanged and increasingly becomes a resource drain for the three main parties: GNA, UPF, and UNSF. The unstable situation still prevents oil drilling, a business that interests not just these three parties.

After OP: Dash Hammer, General Bolsov (UPF) had been underground for a long time, but the intelligence services finally succeeded in picking up his trail. After an unsuccessful attempt to access a safehouse, Bolsov managed to break out near the UPF-controlled area with the help of a private contractor firm called SEAR-Group and took refuge near a ghost village.

Neither the SEAR-Group nor the UPF knew that the national army was establishing a fort near this village to strengthen the regime’s control. The Bravo Team of the UNSF was still on Bolsov’s trail… and events began to unfold.

What happened during OP: Light Craft

The pursuit of Bolsov was in full swing. The UNSF collaborated with GNA units and snatched Bolsov from the hands of the SEAR-Group. The UPF responded with an aggressive counterattack, managing to both free Bolsov and secure some resources. Among other things, the UPF captured a nuclear warhead and another UN pilot.

OP: Rogue Gambit

After OP: Light Craft, events unfolded quickly. The UPF succeeded in gaining the support of a powerful member of the UN Security Council, who vetoed the long-standing Goldavia campaign, leading to an abrupt halt of the UN mission in Goldavia. The UNSF, tasked with recovering the nuclear warhead and the captured pilot, struggles to fulfill their mission without finishing it. A small group from the UNSF Bravo Team disregards the mission stop and attempts to rescue the pilot and locate the warhead on their own.